

fitting a mould.

it's okay. we've all done it. sent that one anonymous question on formspring. typed those letters, those words ... said those things. it's okay because we all know that the next person, the person after that and the person before us, have done it to.

but is it really?

i question myself sometimes. why am i asking this person anonymously? why am i hiding behind my laptop screen like a troll? then it hits me ... i'm scared of what people think of me. the internet is a big place and you never know who is going to read your comment. your question. could it be someone you know? could it be a future employer? in reality, it's all about fitting this perfect mould. perfect appearance. perfect personality. perfect, perfect, PERFECT.

so i say; why do we all need to be perfect and "fit the mould"? why do people feel the need to click that anonymous button, just because. it's a whole world out there. with galaxies, stars and universes. why does anyone care what you think, do or say? it's YOU. be yourself. nothing infuriates me more than when people don't act like themselves. i'm guilty of it. everyone is. it takes a strong-minded person to step back and question: "why do i try so hard to be someone i'm not?"

the honest answer? 


it's a big, big world. but to us? it's more than just what we do. what we say. it's everything. every move is analysed. i've been on both ends. i've seen someone turn. click. just like that. they're someone else.

stay away from the person you're not. live forever, knowing ... you've been everything you can be.

- girl.

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