

loosing a pet.

My cat in 2008.

So this morning I woke up to silence. Usually my cat is whining and "meow"-ing to be let in so he can have his breakfast. He's an outside cat primarily so when I didn't hear his usual calls I was slightly worried. He'd been ill for some time now and, as the weather got colder, he had gotten worse. I quickly got changed and went downstairs to heat some milk for him as I know it would've been cold outside. When I still didn't hear his calls I opened the back door to let my dog out and to find where my cat was. I couldn't hear his "meow"-s even when I called his name. So I looked into his 'cubby hole' to see if he was perhaps sleeping. I saw a black and white furry mass slowly turning towards me. When he realised it was me he slowly started whining. Quietly at first, then gradually louder and louder. I dropped the milk and rushed upstairs to alert my parents that something was seriously wrong with him. After about 10 frantic minutes of my mum getting dressed and me standing worriedly in the kitchen she came downstairs to check he was okay.

Unfortunately, he had taken a turn for the worse over night and he had to be put down this morning. It was the kindest thing to do; even if we hadn't he would've died a slow and painful death today. It's incredibly upsetting sitting in the vets waiting room by yourself when your parents are in the room watching your beloved pet being put down. My mum has had our cat since before I was born, therefore I've had him all my life. He was roughly eighteen today and the vet told us that he had severe kidney problems (it was the size of a bean when it should have been massive).

Even though I know animals cannot read - especially ones that aren't here any more - I wanted to write a short piece about my cat as a tribute to him. We'll always remember you, and you'll be sorely missed. 

It honestly feels like a piece of my body is missing.

rest in peace. 

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